Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All the Things

Just another day in Colorado
Wow, it’s been a while. So much has happened! Here goes…graduated with my MBA, went on a South American bender adventure, got a strict pull-up (what what!!!), ran a five mile race, cut out caffeine, decided to move to Denver, visited three new boxes, tested out a paleo food service, started back on caffeine, watched the entire Breaking Bad series, went on a Christmas cookie binge, got slightly better at double unders, and got some awesome shoes on clearance.

I think that’s everything. Did you catch that I’m moving to Denver? Yup! We are packing it up and heading west in a matter of weeks. Don’t tell everybody though, my husband hasn’t told his job yet. Wife fail. There are so many things to look forward to out west. A new job for me, 300 days of sunshine, learning to ski. I’m nervous about finding a new CrossFit though. I seriously love CF Aspire. It’s irreplaceable, but I’m hopeful I will find something that’s close.
Relaxing with my little bestie - love her

We are heading into the second week of a 30 Day Challenge. And I say WE because my husband is doing it with me! It’s a first for us and it’s completely awesome. Having him along for the ride helped me to stay strong and positive in the first week. And last night he talked me out of cheating with a glass of wine. Best husband ever. Puke, I know.

I did a gigantic cook-up Sunday because I flubbed last week and didn’t make enough food. I made up for it this week by cooking approximately a million things. And now it’s all lovely and portioned out in my fridge. This makes me ridiculously happy. I don’t know why. And I’m not questioning it.

This stack of food brings me joy
Anyway…I don’t have a recipe to share. Just wanted to check in. I’ve missed it here. I kinda like spewing things out into cyberspace.